Just when I thought I’ve seen all of the cutest animals that the internet has to offer, I came across the ultimate cutie pie known as Einstein, the smallest pony on the planet. When Einstein was born, he was the size of a toy poodle! A mere 4 inches and six pounds at birth, Einstein surprisingly was not a premie, but a perfectly proportioned miniature pony when she arrived at the Tiz A. Miniature Horse Farm in Barnstead, NH.
The teeny-tiny foal is owned by Dr. Rachel Wagner and her husband, Charles Cantrell, who live in Bellingham, Washington. “So we have this little foal that was born here on this miniature horse farm that set the Guinness World Record for smallest baby horse,” said Wagner. “He’s very perfect-looking little boy, not dwarfy at all.” How adorable is little Einstein? He may be tiny and adorable, but he’s still an amazing creature!
If you just went into panic mode. because of this cuteness overload… I don’t blame you! Please SHARE this adorable video with all of your friends on Facebook!