Woman Shames Mom For ‘Spoiling’ Baby With Down Syndrome

It always floors me when strangers feel like they can butt into someone else’s life with unsolicited and unkind “advice.” They don’t know what that person is going through or the circumstances surrounding their situation, so why do they think their opinion matters or would be helpful?

Kelly Dirkes is used to this kind of unwanted advice from strangers. She and her husband have adopted two babies with Down Syndrome and many random strangers have come up to them with some not-so-helpful advice.

A little while ago, Kelly was carrying her young daughter in a baby carrier while she shopped at Target. As she walked down one of the aisles, a woman stopped her and told Kelly that carrying her child would “spoil that baby” and she would “never learn to be independent.”

Caught off-guard, Kelly didn’t know quite what to say. She wanted to put the woman in her place right then and there, but instead, she smiled, kissed her daughter on the head, and saved her response for when she had cooled down a bit.

That’s when Kelly sat down and wrote an open letter to the woman, and her words are so important for everyone to hear.

What do you think?