This Server Noticed That A Mother And Her Son Were Alone


This mother and her son, Ben, were at Texas Roadhouse restaurant when a server noticed that the father was serving in the navy. When the mother asked for their bill, the server decided to do something nice for her. Here is the story:

Source can be found at the end of the article.

Tonight Ben and I went to eat at Texas Roadhouse. While waiting for our food Ben told the server, Sabrina, that his daddy is coming home soon. She said she was very familiar with the Navy and people going in and out. That was all that was said during dinner, other than the fact that Ben is very excited.

When I gave Sabrina my debit card she brought this back (image below) and said have a great night. Together her and two other servers paid for our dinner. Without question or details they paid for our dinner. What they didn’t know is that my husband had just returned home from a 13 month set of orders over seas only to have gone back out again. What they didn’t know is that I am without a job right now. And although it was my choice to leave, I was really debating on even going out at all tonight because of money.


But the reason I did is because I couldn’t bare the thought of another weekend evening sitting at home…alone…without my husband.

They asked if they could come over and hug me. Here are three, selfless servers, who did something nice for someone that they knew nothing about. I was in shock. Naturally I cried. One of them cried. The Manager thought something was wrong haha But I just had to publicly express my gratitude for these people. They are the reason why I still have hope in the human race. It’s not about the money. It’s about the fact that they did something so caring and I can only hope to get an opportunity to pay it forward. Thank you Texas Roadhouse and these servers. Much love to you.




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