A police officer sees a girl living in a ‘suspicious’ car.

Officers have no idea what they’ll find when they arrive with an 911 call.
Two officers from the Huntington Beach Police Department in California, Scott Marsh and Zach Pricer, were dispatched to a Cross Park parking lot near Graham Street and Eddinger Street to investigate a “suspect vehicle.” They discovered a single mother and her 11-year-old daughter living in the car when they answered the phone.

They contacted the police department’s Homeless Task Force in an attempt to assist the struggling family of two, explaining that the mother and daughter were in severe need of accommodation.


Officer Pricer chose to spend some time talking to the girl while the mother was on the phone with someone from the task force since he understood she was probably terrified and bewildered. In an attempt to relax her, he inquired if she knew how to play hopscotch.

“Seeing a police officer towering over an 11-year-old girl is a scary thing,” Pricer, 38, told The Orange County Register. “I was attempting to break the ice and make her feel at ease with me.”

He decided to teach her when she confessed she didn’t know how to play. He was the first to go, and the video of him and the girl having fun was quickly circulated all over social media, with a large number of people appreciating his thoughtfulness toward the youngster.

When the girl played for the first time, Pricer said, “Your feet touched the line, but I’m going to let you go because it’s your first time.” “I’ll hand it on to you.”


“This morning an officer checked on a suspicious inhabited vehicle in the neighborhood of Graham and Edinger,” the video caption read.

“During his investigation, he discovered that the passengers in the vehicle were a woman and her 11-year-old daughter who had been living in their car.” Our Homeless Task Force was approached by the police to assist with housing arrangements. Police Pricer, another officer on the scene, began demonstrating his expertise in hopscotch to the daughter while the officer worked on housing arrangements with the mother.


People couldn’t stop themselves from commenting on the film, which helped them reclaim their trust in humanity.

“It’s very nice, but the cop isn’t here. When picking up the marker, you can’t use your hand to balance,” one individual wrote. Another remarked, “Way to go, Officer Pricer, you’re a terrific man.”


Those who expressed concern for the mother and daughter were not alone. “At the same time, this makes me sad and happy. I’m sending prayers to that woman and her daughter. May God provide for their necessities. May God bless the officers who assisted them and took the time to do so.”

Officer Pricer is one of the many people for whom we are grateful. Thank you so much for everything you do for the community.

The footage that went viral can be seen here.

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