Mom is ‘upset and startled’ after a water park urged her to cease breastfeeding in the lazy river.


A recent incident at Rigby’s Water World sparked a discussion about breastfeeding rights and led to policy adjustments.

The incident involved a nursing mother named Francis, who faced discrimination while breastfeeding her baby in the water at the water park.

When Francis was approached by a staff member and told to stop breastfeeding, she was initially shocked and then dismayed by the situation.

Source: dailywize

Despite the lack of clear rules regarding breastfeeding at the water park, Francis was asked to cease nursing her child while in the water.


Expressing her frustration on social media, Francis highlighted the importance of breastfeeding rights, citing Georgia law, which protects the practice in public spaces.

Following public outcry and pressure, Rigby’s Water World promptly revised its breastfeeding policy and issued a personal apology to Francis from the park’s vice president of operations.

The park acknowledged the misunderstanding and adjusted its policy to align with legal protections for breastfeeding mothers.

Source: matheusfeed

While the incident underscores the challenges faced by breastfeeding women in public settings, it also demonstrates the power of advocacy in effecting positive change.

By raising awareness and advocating for breastfeeding rights, we contribute to a more supportive and inclusive society for mothers and their children.

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