He Overheard A Young Man Laughing About An Old Man Stuck In The Toilet. Then This Happened.


Eating lunch at Zaxbys and overhear some young man laughing about an older gentleman in the bathroom that couldn’t get off the toilet so I proceed to walk in and can hear this man crying on the toilet.

I ask him if he’s ok; he said that his legs were too weak to stand up and he left his cane by the door, I asked him to unlock the door and helped the man up and got his pants up for him. The man had a Vietnam veteran hat on and gave me a hug and told me that he’s 69 years old and that was the most embarrassing moment in his life with tears in his eyes.

I shook his hand and thanked him for all he’s done and walked him out to the lobby and made that teenager apologize to the man…

Moral of the story getting old is inevitable, but being a complete jerk to a stranger is not.

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