Losing a loved one is never easy. During this extremely difficult time, many people rely on their family members, friends and their partner for support. Although everyone’s grieving process is different, it’s safe to say that feeling comforted and cared for during this time can be extremely beneficial in the long run.
A woman was left feeling devastated following a conversation she had with her husband in August 2021. She had just found out that her mother passed away from cancer, and was still reeling from the heart-wrenching news when her husband came home from work 30 minutes later. He ranted about how hard his day was, not realizing just how much his wife was hurting.
When the woman revealed the sad news, she was left completely stunned at her husband’s response. He asked what they were going to have for dinner. He didn’t ask how she was feeling and didn’t even offer to give her a hug. It almost seemed like it was just a normal day for him.
This left a huge strain on the couple’s relationship as the wife couldn’t believe how little he seemed to care about her mother’s passing. They argued with each other, and the wife even spent some time away from her husband for a bit while she continued to grieve. However, after speaking with her sister, she was left wondering if she handled the situation poorly. In August 2021, the woman went to Reddit to ask users for their thoughts and to offer any advice they had for her.
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In her Reddit post, the original poster (OP) explained that while her mother had been sick with cancer, she and her husband would visit to help take care of her. “He loved mom or so I thought,” OP said. Her husband typically helped out by cleaning her mom’s yard, walking the dogs and even handling some financial issues since he is an accountant. He never complained about any of it.
Sadly, OP lost her mom to cancer in August 2021 and heard about the news from her sister one night at 6 p.m. Her husband got home 30 minutes later. “He was resting on the couch in the living room when I came downstairs and my face was very telling but he didn’t notice somehow,” OP said. “He casually talked about how long and hard his day was and didn’t notice that I didn’t say a word.”
When OP spoke up and revealed that her mother had just passed away, her husband didn’t react the way she thought he would. “He leaned back and stared at me for a long minute then said, ‘So what’s for dinner?’” she said. OP was shocked and just stared at her husband. He responded, “What? You don’t need me to take you to the hospital? We gotta eat first.”
OP called her husband’s response unbelievable, and the two proceeded to argue with one another. “He argued back talking about how he was working nonstop all day without having time to eat anything,” she said. He also mentioned just how much he’d done for her mother.
For Illustration Purposes Only (With Models) – istockphoto,com/fizkes
OP continued, “He said he was sorry for needing to eat after coming home hungry after working for hours and said that my reaction and lashing out was MISPLACED and unfair.” While OP got ready to go meet her sister, her husband asked if she could just wait until he ate something, but she refused to speak to him and left.
After her mother’s funeral, OP stayed with her sister. Her husband tried to talk to her, but she still wasn’t ready. However, her sister took her husband’s side, and told OP that she needed to try to work it out with him. Since then, OP has wondered if she handled the situation poorly, and asked Reddit users for their advice.
Many users came to her defense and let her know that her husband was the one who seemed to be in the wrong. One user commented, “The first thing he said wasn’t even ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘are you alright.’ It was to ask you what you were going to make him for dinner… an hour after you learned your mother died. He didn’t even acknowledge her passing at all before he asked you for food.”
Another user said, “Even if he was super hungry, he could have comforted you first and then snacked or something. It sounds like you waited to get in your bad news and then he didn’t offer any support right after. That’s horrid. I think couples counseling could be good though to get him to realize how insensitive he was and for you both to figure out how to move forward.”
For Illustration Purposes Only (With Models) – istockphoto,com/PeopleImages
Who do you think was wrong in this situation? Let us know, and feel free to pass this along to your family and friends to find out what they think, too.