She could hardly wait to give birth, but when the TWINS came into the world, she was told that one was dying!

The time of birth should be a very happy one for any woman.

However, Kerrie, a young woman from the USA, was not so lucky. Although she gave birth to twins, the misfortune caused one of them to be born with hydrocephalus, a disease that can sometimes be fatal.


Just an hour after the birth, the doctors prepared her for the worst and advised her to say goodbye to the sick baby. Before doing so, the new mother asked the nurses to put the other baby in her healthy brother’s incubator so that the two could spend as much time together as possible.

After only a few minutes a very strange thing happened. The baby recovered, his condition improved considerably, and after a week he was even discharged.

Three years after his birth with problems, although the baby is not perfectly healed, he has a chance at a normal life.


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