Happy National Dog Day from The Rainforest Site!

The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee is the largest natural habitat refuge for African and Asian elephants in the United States. Their very first elephant, the forty-year-old Asian elephant Tarra, famously made friends with a stray dog who made her home at the sanctuary, Bella.

In 2011, Tarra’s longtime companion died in an unfortunate incident, but Bella’s carefree spirit lives on in Tarra’s memory — and the memory of an elephant is a powerful thing.

During her time of grief, Tarra was able to use her incredible capacity to overcome loss by strengthening bonds with her elephant sisters, though caretakers have noticed her visiting Bella’s grave to honor her memory.

You can help the Rainforest Site and partner the Elephant Nature Foundation protect and preserve elephants in need like Tarra with a Gift That Gives More™. Help feed a hungry elephant the hundreds of pounds of vegetation it needs to eat each day.
Read more at http://blog.therainforestsite.com/remembering-bella/#y6454W3Tvts02ETi.99

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