Family revisits location of terrifying incident where their German Shepherd defended their home by attacking a burglar in their absence.

When burglars invade someone else’s property, their main objective is to leave with valuable items. However, for one intruder who attempted to rob a family in Richmond, Virginia, the outcome turned out to be one of their worst decisions ever.

The intruder failed to consider the potential risks of their actions, including the fact that the family had a German Shepherd who was fiercely devoted to protecting their owners and their home.

Source: Facebook/ Tristan Murrin

When Tristan Murrin and his family returned home one day, their dog Oden was waiting for them at the door. That wasn’t anything unusual because he was always looking forward to greet his humans whenever they would come home.

However, once inside, the family noticed red marks, and as they proceeded further, they could see the floors and the doors were all covered in blood.

Source: Facebook/ Tristan Murrin

They realized Oden got involved into a fight with an intruder. But it wasn’t until they went upstairs that they learned the extent of Oden’s defense of his home.

“We looked upstairs and you could see trails of blood coming from upstairs, going all the way down,” Murrin told WRIC.

Source: Facebook/ Tristan Murrin

Oden has never been aggressive before. The family describes him as the friendliest dog ever, but when it came to defending his home, he wasn’t afraid to put his loyalty into action.

This brave dog must have scared the living daylight out of the intruder who left empty-handed while running for his life.

Murrin believed the burglary was related to previous cases that happened in the neighborhood.

Source: Facebook/ Tristan Murrin

Oden’s heroic action spread around and everyone was proud of him. All the kids from the neighborhood who love spending time around him felt secure knowing he would be there for them as well if they ever find themselves in trouble.

“The community loves him, the kids come up to him and want to touch him and play with him,” Murrin said.

Source: YouTube/ WRIC

Murrin and the family are proud of their dog and say he had done a great job keeping the house secure.

“He knew that someone was not supposed to be in my house and no one was home and he knows that [the intruder] wasn’t supposed to be in there and was doing something that he wasn’t supposed to be doing,” Murrin said.

Source: Facebook/ Tristan Murrin

The video the family took showing how the house looked like when they returned home that day spread like a wildfire and has been seen more than 16 million times.

Murrin hopes it will help in identifying the intruder .

Take a look at it in the video below.

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