She is the most beautiful girl in the world!

She is the most beautiful girl in the world and social networks are full of her pictures shared by tens of thousands of netizens!

Many, seeing her photos, think that they are fake and even leave comments about this, but the girl is real and she was born in Russia!


The most beautiful girl in the world is a model who is only a few years old Anastasia Knyazev is only 7 years old and she is very beautiful and her eyes look unique in the world!

The girl is making waves on social networks with her beauty. Angelic face, really light appearance, unreal blue eyes make the little Russian a successful model, of impressive beauty.


The little girl’s career is carefully guided by her mother, named Anna, who started by posting on social networks pictures from the photo sessions in which the girl participated.

From here to being admired by people around the world was just a step, writes

The photos uploaded on Instagram depict Anastasiya as an extremely graceful professional model.

Anastasia Knyazev looks like her mother


Not only do they present various types of clothing, but also the hairstyle and accessories receive special attention when appearing in front of the camera.

Snapshots of Anastasiya gather thousands of likes every day, and some who saw her called her the most beautiful child in the world.

It can be seen with the naked eye who the little model looks like. Her mother is gorgeous too, and the color of her eyes is inherited from her. This is a legacy that will fill Anastasia with money.

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